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Free Cases

There are lots of opportunities to get Free Cases on CaseHug!

First, there's the Daily Bonus. To receive free rewards every day, go to the Daily Bonus tab and complete simple tasks visible in the screenshots below:

Discord Case task
Steam Case tasks with a timer (cooldown)

When you've done the "Add hashtag" task, please remember to log out of your CaseHug account and log back in. Failing to do so will keep the Steam Case section locked.

To open the Discord Case, be sure to join our Discord server, and connect the account you’ve used to join the server to CaseHug. Once that’s done, you will receive the bonus. Using a different account will result in failing the task.

After completing these tasks, the Discord Case and Steam Case sections will be unlocked, allowing you to collect free rewards every day. Upon collecting your Daily Bonus, you'll see a timer that indicates when you'll be able to open the case again.

CaseHug also offers free rewards for your account rank:

For each rank, you can collect a free case every 24 hours. If you reach maximum rank (Mythical) and complete the tasks for the Discord Case and Steam Case, you can collect a total of 15 free rewards every single day!

You will see the number of available Free Cases on a ticker on the Home Page.

You can also earn Free Cases by topping up your account. Each $5 you top-up with will earn you 1 case, with an additional case coming every $20, and $100 spent.

This means that if you top up for $100, you will get 26 Free Cases. Why so many? You will get 20 — one for each $5 spent, 5 for each $20 spent, and 1 for the $100 you spend. The Free Cases are calculated for you on the top-up screen.

Example top-up calculation.

Free Cases waiting to be opened after top-up.

Even though the cases are free, the rewards can be very valuable. Check for yourself — at the bottom of the Daily Bonus page, you can find the best drops that other users got from their Free Cases in the last couple of days:

Updated on: 13/08/2024