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Promo Code

When you top up your balance on CaseHug, you have the option of applying a Promo Code to your transaction. A Promo Code will give you a 10% bonus to your top-up amount. For instance, if you're topping up with $10, a valid Promo Code will add $1 to your balance ($10 x 10% = $1). You'll pay $10, but you'll receive $11. Similarly, if you top up for $100, a Promo Code will give you an extra $10 ($100 x 10% = $10) completely for free.

How can I get a Promo Code?

We share Promo Codes on our social media, so follow us to make sure you never miss an opportunity for an extra 10% to your top-up. Promo Codes are also sometimes shared by our partners.

How to apply your Promo Code

To apply your Promo Code, head to the Add Funds page. You'll notice there's a field where you can enter your Promo Code (marked in red in the screenshot below):

Where to enter your Promo Code on the Add Funds page

Once you've entered your Promo Code, click "Apply". If the code is valid, you'll see a green checkmark next to it. The amount you'll get, listed at the bottom of the page, will update to show your extra 10%.

Add Funds page with a valid Promo Code applied

If your code is marked as valid, but the total amount hasn't changed, try refreshing the page.

Note that you can only apply one code per transaction: you can't enter several codes during one top-up to get more than the 10% bonus.

Updated on: 16/04/2024