Articles on: Withdrawals
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How to Withdraw Skins

You can withdraw any skin you won at and it is super easy!

1. Login to
2. Click on your avatar to open the dropdown menu and select the My Account button
3. Choose the skin you'd like to withdraw, hover your mouse over it, and click Get on Steam

When you hover your mouse over the skin, a menu will appear with actions to perform.
4. Within a few minutes, you should receive a Trade Offer on Steam. Click on it.

Received notification about Trade Offer on Steam

5. Review the received Trade Offer. Check if it is the skin you actually want to withdraw, and if everything is correct, click Respond to offer

Preview of received Trade Offer

6. In the new window that pops up, check the visible checkbox (changing from Confirm trade contents to Ready to trade) and click Accept trade

Trade window

7. Congratulations! You've successfully withdrawn your first skin from CaseHug and you can enjoy it from now on in your game!

Trade summary

Updated on: 13/08/2024